AI Traffic Lights on trial in Gangtok: Netizens Divided; SP Gangtok assures permanence only after public feedback

“The AI-based traffic lights have been installed at three junctions across Gangtok on a trial basis for a week. We welcome commuters’ feedback, and designated officers stationed at the Titanic traffic booth are available for valuable feedback, and during this trial period no vehicle will be challaned in cases of offenses relating to Traffic Lights.”

Karma G Bhutia, SP Gangtok District

A day after the Sikkim government decided to initiate a one-week trial of Artificial Intelligence-based traffic lights in Gangtok to reduce wait times at various junctions in the capital, netizens are divided into two sections.

One section has expressed joy over the installation, while the other critiques the initiative. However, the question of how helpful the initiative will be in reducing traffic jams remains unanswered yet. 

Zero Point Gangtok

To learn more about the installation and its feasibility in Gangtok, Sikkim Chronicle reached out to Karma Gyamtso Bhutia, SP Gangtok District.

SP Karma G Bhutia assured that the traffic lights would be installed permanently across Gangtok only after rectifying all the problems commuters are facing.

Karma G Bhutia, SP Gangtok District

“The AI-based traffic lights have been installed at three junctions across Gangtok on a trial basis for a week. We welcome commuters’ feedback, and designated officers stationed at the Titanic traffic booth are available for valuable feedback, and during this trial period no vehicle will be challaned in cases of offenses relating to Traffic Lights.”

“We assure commuters that we will only install the lights permanently after considering all the feedback and fixing all the issues. This week is the first phase of the trial, and after observing all the shortcomings and feedback given by the public, a report will be submitted to the software company.”

SP Bhutia maintained that the AI-based traffic lights in Gangtok are efficient as they can be operated both manually and automatically. “The AI-based traffic light we started for a trial basis has its own learning patterns. It can calculate the time interval depending on the volume of vehicles in each lane and operate that way. When compared with other types of traffic lights, mostly controlled manually, this one is AI-based smart tech that can work both manually and automatically.”

Further, SP Bhutia stressed that the AI-based traffic lights would also be crucial in identifying vehicles driving without proper documentation. 

“The traffic light also has a very good camera mounted on it. That camera is capable of reading the registration number of all the vehicles, and AI can also detect vehicles that violate traffic rules, making the road safe for everyone. E-challan is automatically raised for such offenders.” 

 “The AI-based traffic lights have been installed at three junctions across Gangtok on a trial basis for a week. We welcome commuters’ feedback, and designated officers stationed at the Titanic traffic booth are available for valuable feedback, and during this trial period no vehicle will be challaned in cases of offenses relating to Traffic Lights.”Read More

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