Red Sea IFF 2023! Will Smith: ‘Cinema is more than just about entertainment, it can touch people’s lives’

Hollywood star Will Smith was one of the guests at the Red Sea International Film Festival and while interacting in the presence of fans and members of the media, the actor spoke about the influence cinema can have on people and how it can influence their hearts and minds.

He said, “The power of cinema has grown over the years and I have recognized it as a tool for inspiration and energy. It wasn’t really till the later part of my career when I understood its power to change people’s minds and hearts, that you can depict situations and people and historical circumstances and you can inspire people to learn and to grow.”

The star added, “It can also be used to brighten our world through storytelling. And it really came around through Pursuit Of Happyness and Ali, and I was like ‘Wow, it’s more than just entertainment’, and it actually can touch people’s lives in a way that they are able to change their personal environment and expand that power out to changing their community and changing the world.”

Red Sea IFF 2023! Will Smith: ‘Cinema is more than just about entertainment, it can touch people’s lives’Read More

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