Netflix’s ‘Killer Soup’ in deep soup: Legal action taken by Killer Jeans’ Parent | Explained

Makers of ‘KILLER JEANS’ Kewal Kiran Clothing Limited has filed a suit for Konkona Sen Sharma and Manoj Bajpayee starrer Netflix’s Killer Soup before the Bombay High Court against the makers of the web series.

KKCL has impleaded the producers, Macguffin Pictures LLP and Netflix Entertainment Services India LLP as Defendants in the Suit.

About Netflix’s Killer Soup

The show is like a cinematic journey which will leave you spellbound. Accidental murder is just one part of the series. There are many backstories that will come to light as all the characters have secrets and layers that you cannot miss. With all its gloominess and layers, there is a lot of depth in the show which is a true killer. Sen Sharma and Bajpayee make a lovely couple on screen.

Konkona Sen Sharma’s character as Swathi Shetty is truly layered with its right doze of vulnerability. Netflix’s Killer Soup shows how woman with ambitions and dreams can go to any extent to fulfil it. Women too have dreams and Swathi (Konkona Sen Sharma) wants to go global and how is an interesting journey to watch. Happily simmering up broth, her signature paya soup, Swathi (Konkona Sen Sharma) just doesn’t get it right. But she has dreams and that needed fire in her belly to go to any extent to fulfil it.




Netflix’s ‘Killer Soup’ in deep soup: Legal action taken by Killer Jeans’ Parent | ExplainedRead More

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